Hospital Grade
Cleaner and anti-bactical disinfectant reduces the risk of cross contamination

Multi-Purpose Cleaner and Disinfectants and Heavy Duty Degreasers
Specially Formulated Cleaners for Marine Environments
Cleaner and anti-bactical disinfectant reduces the risk of cross contamination
The Spray Nine Brand delivers the same hard hitting performance expected of our multi-purpose cleaners, degreasers and disinfectant across a variety of niche applications and specialty markets. Cleaning products of the highest quality save money by reducing chemical usage and storage space. Every Spray Nine Brand product is quality put to action. Spray Nine Europe’s chemists have a track record of top-rated formulas that tackle even the worst dirt, grease, soils and stains.
Biodegradable formula for heavy-duty degreasing and power cleaning for industrial applications
Spray Nine Products are water based, non-flammable, and non-corrosive
Use Spray Nine products to ensure the best results in all applications
We know a cleaner can work well without having harmful effects
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